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MEDICATION ASSISTANT: AZBN-approved MA Education Waiver Candidate Application Application

If you have an AZBN-approved Nursing Student, Military or Foreign Nursing Program Graduate Medication Assistant Education Waiver, please fill out this application and upload your AZBN-approved MA Education Waiver.  
Once approved, you will be sent an email and text message with your USERNAME and TEMPORARY PASSWORD to sign into your TMU©  account.  You will be directed to update your password and complete your TMU©  account.  Once done completing your account, you will be able to pay the testing fee and schedule into a nurse aide test event of your choice from the calendar of test events.

Make sure you read the Arizona Medication Assistant Candidate Handbook for important testing information and instructions for navigating TMU©.
  • Note:  Failure to read the candidate handbook could result in No Show for your test event for not adhering to the policies of testing, etc.
 Once you have completed all of the fields within this application, select “Send Application" to submit your application.
  • I have uploaded my AZBN-approved Medication Assistant Education Waiver.
By Submitting
I hereby verify that I understand and agree with the statements contained herein and the above information is true and correct.